Leaders, groups and organisations

To be part of an organisation is to be part of a whole, a building. The whole is dependent on each individual part of the construction feeling well and functioning as it should. That places great demands on everyone in the organisation and the importance of sustainability for employees, leaders and the organisation is greater than ever. 

This is in itself a challenge and that challenge becomes even greater when living in a surrounding of constant change.


Communication, leadership, employeeship, work environment, clarity regarding goals and the way to reach tem, common values etc. - all is important to keep an organisation healthy.

At InRelation we offer support and help to create sustainable and successful organisations - working in English as well as Swedish.



Communication - possibly the most important area in a group or organisation in order to have a healthy company and people within it. How well does the dialogue work within your group, between group and leader and between groups? 

The better we are at communicating, the greater the chance we have of being effective and successful in what we do.

However, it does not happen by itself. As with everything else, we need to train and understand that it is about words as well as action, attitude, sensitivity, empathy, will and courage. In our training we work with actual cases from everyday life in your business or group, real problems or events. When we can be clear, responsive and straightforward in our  communication, we get the chance to understand eachother better wich leeds to a better flow when working together.

Group development

everything running smothely in the group or groups that you are part of? It can be a working group, management group or other type of groups. Or do you experience periods when there is no flow, and you don't really understand why or how to move on?

Quite often, the problems we experience is about how we function as a group. One important cornerstone is to have agood communication - within the group, between group and leader, between employees and between different groups. Communicating, having a dialogue, making oneself understood as well as understanding others, is an art. The better we are at that art, the greater the chance we have of being effective and successful in what we do.

With a greater understanding of each other and a well-functioning communication, the collaboration flows both easier and more efficiently. For that to happen, we might need a coach with a new perspective to help sorting out what's needed.

We start with where your group is right now and create a common picture of "today". This is important for us to be able to look ahead and create a common goal.

Leadership development

As a leader, you're supposed to be confident and clear, dare to be straight even in challenging situations without lacking in empathy, lead the company as well as your employees, be able to handle difficult conversations, structure, plan, engage, follow up, measure ... The list can be made much longer and certainly some areas work well while others have the potential to develop and get better.

Stepping into the role of a leader in an organisation requires, in addition to the list above, also the ability to adapt to the company's framework and norms. However, in order for you to remain well and steady in your role, it also requires you being authentic and yourself. When the pace is high and the changes are many, it is easy to lose track of who you actually are along the way. Sustainable leadership requires space for reflection onyoursel and your role. This is also true for a management team.

Hopefully there is room to reflect and help each other both in the management team, from manager to manager and between colleagues and with employees. However, experience says that we spend far too little time on this. As with everything else, to make things change, we need time to train and develop.

Getting help from a coach or a mentorr with solid leadership experience allows you to focus on what it is that you need to let grow and develop to become a more sustainable leader. And the result? Well, it's like going from wearing afactory-made suit in the wrong size to a tailor-made one that fits perfectly to your unique measurements!

Developing employees

Just as leaders need time for reflection and mirroring to develop in their role, employees need just the same. Strangely enough, training in employeeship is not always as obvious as in leadership.

For most leaders, it is obvious  that part of the role as a leader is to support employees to develop and grow. Unfortunately, many leaders today complain that there is not enough time for this part of the work. And even when if there is enough time, it can sometimes be wise, just as in the case of leadership development, to allow employees to reflect, getting mirrored and develop with the help of an outside coach.

With space to reflect on myself, my role and my co-operation with others, I get to see more of who I am, how I function, what needs I have, what expectations I have of myself and others, what expectations others have of me and themselves etc. A most valuable work  - both for individual conversations and in groups.

Workshops and lectures

Experiencing an inspiring lecture  or workshop together with your group or business is a way to get inspiration but also create common new insights to develop further back at home in the company. 

With various themes adapted to what you need in your company or group, you get help to reflect and find new ways forward. Whit space to explore new areas together with others, development is created both for yourself and the group. The result is a greater understanding - for yourself and for your co-workers. That understanding contributes to greater openness - which in turn leads to more efficient and better working groups and results.

We hold lectures and workshops on various themes such as;
  • Your Inner Leadership
  • Sustainable Leadership and Employeeship
  • Communication
  • Efficient and functional groups
These are only suggestions - we also create trainings based on what you and your company's needs. Get in touch and let's see what we can do together!